Archive for February, 2007

One week at home:)

February 28, 2007

Here we are! Emerson was born on Feb. 16 and we brought her home from the hospital the 18th. Thank goodness! We were getting antsy to get out of that place. I was having some nurse overload and our last nurse, Sarah, was one for the books. Without going into detail, I felt my snarky attitude coming out. It was time to leave.

So, one week at home and the Parker/Stutzman family is doing well! This first week has been full of many new discoveries. Like discovering that milk can come out of one nostril while nursing and that poo can projectile onto walls while changing. We’ve also discovered that you can operate on little sleep… much less than you ever thought:). Of course, we’ve also discovered how much you can love someone so immediately and totally. She is amazing! We feel very blessed that our little girl is so healthy and so easy to take care of. She only cries when she needs something and both Mom and Dad are getting pretty good at knowing what that is. We’ll see how long that lasts!!

Having both of us home has been so much fun. We love getting to know our girl and watching her watch us and her little world. I dread Vic going back to work. 😦

Sitting here watching the pilot of the X-Files (so nerdy, I know) it seems as though little Em is going to lose her umbilical cord very, very soon! Whoopee! She’s very awake right now waving her arms around and pursing her lips. Who knows what she’s thinking, but it sure is fun to watch!

Well, that’s all for now. I’ll be writing more soon:).


The first of many:)

February 9, 2007

Welcome to the blog de Shannon and Emerson. We plan on hopefully making weekly appearances on this site, but if for some reason we don’t make it one week, don’t get too upset.

Right now I’m sitting at my desk at work. I think she might be sucking the creative juices out of me because all I can think about are very baby-like things to think about such as, “when should I go to the bathroom?” and “I wonder when I’ll eat next?” People passing by the cuble at work probably think I have the worst posture of all time because I’m completely reclined back as far as possible on this chair. It’s the only comfortable position I can find currently.

This morning I was late to a meeting because I spilled my morning beverage of choice-Nesquick chocolate milk… mmmmm-all over my ginormous belly and my comfy corduroy pants! I was quite angered, but I wasn’t waddling my already ridiculous looking self into a meeting with an ad agency with chocolate milk all over myself. So, I turned around and changed.

We have a doctor’s appointment at 10:45am. Hopefully this will be the last, but there’s a big, huge, basketball-size part of me that thinks it won’t be:).

Thanks to my very handsome, sweet boyfriend for setting up this blog and site for us. Hopefully he will make frequent appearances as well:).

Hello world!

February 1, 2007

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!